Care & Storage
We recommend that you consume Slegers Greens within a few days of purchase to enjoy them
at their ultimate nutritional benefit and freshness. Simply Snip, Rinse and Serve.
Instructions for storing product in the fridge:
Keep packaging on.
If in a bag, place food plastic wrap over top to protect product from dehydration caused by fridge fan.
Keep away from back wall and top shelf of fridge to avoid frost damage.
Instructions for caring for your product at room temperature on the countertop:
Take product out of the packaging, and
keep it in indirect sun light (lighting in a room will help if there is little sunlight available).
Water product when it feels light and dry
Instructions for watering product:
Place in a saucer.
Water the soil keeping the leaves dry and
let access water drain into the saucer.
Drain the saucer after 10 minutes
We believe products sold living are safer, more nutritious, and tastier than products that have been cut.