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Organic Micro, Organic Greens, Organic Herbs, living, raw food, certified organic, lettuce Ontario, herbs Ontario, greens Ontario,Micros Ontario,Organic Canada, Strathroy, Ontario

Slegers Microgreens

Microgreens are tender, young greens grown in soil from the seeds of vegetables, greens, and herbs. They are about 1.5 " to 5" in height, with two fully-developed cotyledon leaves (first leaves of a seedling).

Slegers living organic Microgreens are packaged living in soil so you get maximum freshness, living energy, vitamins, minerals and active enzymes. Simply snip our product, rinse, and serve for maximum freshness and flavour.


Scientific Research on Nutritional Content

A team of scientists from the University of Maryland and the U.S. Department of Agriculture analyzed the nutrient composition of 25 commercially available microgreen varieties. Their study concluded that microgreen cotyledon leaves had considerably higher nutritional densities than their mature counterparts. Depending on the microgreen, there were higher levels of vitamin C, Beta-Carotene, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K along with other vitamins and minerals. The study also suggests that the more exposure to sunlight for photosynthesis the higher the nutritional content found. This large-scale microgreen study was published in the August 2012 issue of the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry.

Reference…Xiao Z, Codling EE, Luo Y, Nou X, Lester GE, Wang Q. Microgreens of Brassicaceae: Mineral composition and content of 30 varieties. J Food Compost Anal [Internet]. 2016 [cited 2017 Mar 15];49.87-93.





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Micro Amaranth

A very nutrient rich food. High in magnesium and the amino acid Lysine. Gorgeous, bright red leaves and mild flavour accent any dish. Store at 12°C.

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box

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Micro Arugula

Add Arugula's nutty flavour to salads, pastas, grains, sandwiches, wraps & soups. Same wonderful qualities as it's older version with daintier leaves. Store in fridge

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box

Micro Basil

Same sweet strong aroma and flavour of our older basil only younger delicate leaves. Use as garnish or add to Mediterranean dishes. Store between 10-15°C.

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box

Micro Red Basil

Brilliant burgundy leaves provide a colourful contrast to standard Microgreen Basil. Store between 10-15°C.

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box

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Micro Thai Basil

A type of sweet basil native to southeast Asia and often used in Thai cooking. Its flavour is more stable under high or extended cooking temperatures than that of sweet basil. Store between 10-15°C.

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box

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Beet Greens

Beautiful display of reddish-purple stems look stunning as a garnish. Beet Greens are a great antioxidant and detoxifier. Store at 10°C.

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box

Micro Broccoli

Has a milder taste than broccoli flourettes. Some studies have shown that it may act as an antioxidant to stimulate the ability of cells to protect against disease. Store in fridge

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box

Micro Cabbage

Milder taste than full size cabbage. Excellent source of vitamin K, C and B6, just to name a few. Store in fridge. 

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box

Micro Celery

Adds wonderful flavours and aromas to many dishes. Use dainty leaves as a garnish on fish, chicken, or in salsa.

Store in fridge. 

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box

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Micro Cilantro

Intense and unique in flavour and aroma. Commonly used in Spanish dishes. Naturally cleansing for the body. Store in fridge.

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box


Micro Corn Shoots

Tender, sweet tasting shoots that create vibrant contrast of bright yellow on any platter, stir fry or soup. Store in the dark to keep yellow at 12°C.

Bag: 6/Box
Flat: 8/Box

Micro Green Daikon Radish

Tastes hot like radish roots. These attractive leaves are used  as a garnish or in a salad.

Store in fridge.

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box


Micro Red Daikon Radish

Brilliant red leaves make this garnish stand out and get noticed. Same hot taste as the radish root.

Store in fridge.

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box

Mico Red Russian Kale

Pretty garnish with a mild, pleasant flavour.  High in Vitamin A, C, K Folate and Alpha-linolenic acid. Store in fridge.

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box 

Micro Mizuna

Beautifully detailed leaves add an attractive appearance  to a salad or as a garnish. Has a mild pleasant taste.

Store in fridge.

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box

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Micro Mustard Ruby Steak

Great lightly sauteed or as a garnish. It has a sightly peppery, spiy taste.  Mustard is rich in antioxidants and high in Vitamin A,C, E and K. Store in fridge. 

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box

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Micro Pea Tenders

Sweet and crisp tendrils are great additions to salads, wraps and sandwiches. Often used as a garnish. Keep between 3-5°C to prevent spindly leaves from growing.

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box

Micro Pepper Grass Cress

Peppery taste with bright green leaves. Popular in Britain for  topping egg salad sandwiches in deli's. Store in fridge

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box

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Mico Sunflower

Crisp and fresh, with a nutty flavour like the Sunflower Seed. High in protein. Great in wraps, sandwiches, and as a garnish. Store in fridge.

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box

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Wheat Grass

Many people who sample Slegers Wheat Grass juice enjoy how sweet it tastes.  We believe this is because it is grown in the greenhouse in a completely balanced organic soil mix, with all the sunshine it needs creating a nutrient rich& high chlorophyll   content.

 Wheat grass provides energy, many nutrients including Vitamins  A,C, E, calcium, magnesium and amino acids.  It is well known for cleansing  the body. Start out slowly with 1 ounce a day and increase from there. We encourage you to do research on wheat grass so you  are educated on how to use it. Wheat Grass is too fibrous for the stomach to digest and therefore must be juiced. Check your juicing manual to make sure it juices Wheat Grass before purchasing. Store in fridge.

Bag: 4/Box
Flat: 4/Box

Mixed Micros

A convenient  assortment of 6 different Microgreens, packaged in a closed sturdy box!
Mixed Micros may contain the following:

Arugula, Beet Greens, Broccoli, Cabbage, Celery, Green Daikon Radish, Red Daikon Radish, Red Russian Kale, Mizuna, Ruby Steaks Mustard, Pea Tenders, and Pepper Grass Cress.
*Depending on product availability the above listed items may be substituted by other micro Greens.*

Clam: 6/Box
Bag: 6/Box

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